Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cluster Bombing Week 9

Week 9 has left a lot to apply to teaching English:

How Gardener has developed the theory of Multiple Intelligences, there are 9  intelligences  by now,  and no one is black or white in terms of fully belonging to a specific kind of intelligence or learner style.  
The idea or suggestion in the article: Technology and Multiple Intelligences, is that you may use a different technology to approach different learners/intelligences. Applying different technologies implies a second benefit, changes the learning environment, making it more effective; this environment is defined as background in the article: Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits, by Benedict Carey, and according to him, changing it helps you achieve your teaching or course goals as human brain relates the content with the background.

Finally, if you apply the different technologies in different moments but on the same topic, giving a break from one to another, you will help your students to benefit  of the process of “forgetting and learning”. Recalling the information after some days will help your students’ brain to retain it for a longer time. Cluster bombing comes to my mind, as you can apply different technologies to reach different intelligences, at different moments.

This week, was the deadline to present our Final Project Report, my project American Holidays, accomplished the objectives with the second group of students after failing with the first. The process finished with three Power Point presentations through Skype for a group of students of the CBA Sucre. We have the final week ahead, and is time to start processing all the huge amount of information, tools, and experiences we got in this course. 

Preparing the Project, doing the tasks, and reading was demanding, you could feel like under a bombing, but it is worth the experience and all knowledge acquired. 


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