Regarding my project American Holidays, I started a
second group:
1. Registered 10 students
2. 7 students are participating
3. I have created a Hand Out, and changed
the instructions on the course site
4. I send alerts , and try to keep in
5. I think results and feedback will be
on time to evaluate the project for the
final report to our teacher Robert
This week I
had the chance to read Said’s project, he is going to implement it on his
school in Egypt, and I learned many things, also from his comments on my
- Teachers commitment is not restricted to class hours
- Technology can be used to help change teaching style, Said will try a major change on the logic of grammar-translation and exam focus strategy used now, toward a communicative approach
- Said blended the course content of his class with the project, that is something we learned with Robert, and is turned from theory to practice
- Said recommended me to do things on an easy way, so students can more easily engage in the activities, I will keep his advice in mind.
I also
reviewed Angels work, in this case not a project but an activity on a school in
- It is possible to combine English with other subjects, as Biology, using in this case a Webquest for children
- Multiple intelligences approach is possible with technology: Graphs, Videos, drawing are examples of different approaches used by Angels
- Angels, recommends to work closer with the Institution to ensure students access to the Internet, and it is implied also that internet access should be part of the planning.

Finally, this week we concentrated on the Projects, but we had some
I found it very useful to receive
instructions about Nicenet. Although we use it almost daily since the course
started, I hadn’t explored it properly. This week I created a sample course
site for Debates, with the idea of helping student improve their writing
skills. This is the course key: E346908O50