Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Curiosity . Week 5

This week we are reading and learning about WebQuest among other topics. 
The sites that were shared by Robert, are useful, and using a WebQuest gives you a number of benefits:

1.    You can save time having the students do the research and information analysis  using that time in the class for another activity  

2.    You may do the whole activity online

3.    You can integrate skills as you bring the result of the Quest, or part of the process, into the classroom for discussions or presentations

4.    As you assign the students a certain task using a limited information source  keeping  control 

5.    As Robert recommend in one of his tips, for Integrated Lesson Planing, do not  stick to one technology, site or application, to conduct the WebQuest there is a lot of options from Zunal   to Facebook.

 Curiosity may drive your students to complete a Quest!


  1. Hi Luis,

    I agree with you, this is the powerful tool for motivating students.


  2. I'm glad to know you agree Jurgita.
